Society to run music quiz for Harwich Food Bank
If you enjoy being driven mad by not being able to remember who sang the song you are listening to then you will love a Harwich Society Music Quiz! The…
Photo Archive
The Harwich Society holds a large collection of photographs, documents and original Maps. A small number of photographs are now available to view on line. These can now be viewed by…
50th Birthday
2019 is a very important year for the Society being its 50th birthday year. I am sure the original founders of the Society would be pleased and proud to know…
Listening Bench
The Harwich listening bench is situated on St Helen’s Green, located near the flower bed and looking towards the Treadwheel Crane. Here you can listen to clips on the bench,…
Sound Archive
Essex Records Office sound archive have uploaded a collection of oral history interviews conducted by The Harwich Society between 2009 and 2014 (Catalogue Reference SA 49/1/2). These twenty-four interviews are…
Society Gardening Group helps plant fruit trees in Cliff Park
Supported by the Harwich Society Gardening Group, Tendring District Council have planted several varieties of fruit trees including apple, pear, mulberry and medlar in Cliff Park in a bid to…
World War II submariner to speak at Harwich Society Monthly meeting
The Winter Programme of monthly guest speakers is, for many Harwich Society members, the highlight of the Harwich Society calendar and the February meeting will be particularly interesting as the…
Harwich Society’s quiz team to run music quiz for Paws and Mittens
The Harwich Society Quiz Team runs four or five music quiz nights each year for local good causes and the next one will be on Monday 25th February for the…