The Redoubt Fort in Historic Harwich is always a great place to visit but this weekend (Saturday 28th May and Sunday 29th May) will be even more special than usual.
On Saturday 28th May the Harwich Society’s very own ‘Dad’s Army’ will be on parade once again with their unique brand of World War II entertainment.
From 10AM – 4PM Grant Harris and Simon Todd will be welcoming visitors with their display of World War II guns, bombs and uniforms and will perform drill routines. Visitors will be able to try out the air raid siren and look over the Bofors gun whilst younger visitors might like to try on a helmet and march with a wooden replica rifle. The museum rooms, many containing World War II artefacts, will be open as usual and a great day is guaranteed with the return of our very popular Home Guard re-enactment duo.
On Sunday 29th May (also 10AM – 4PM) the Redoubt Fort will welcome the French surgeon’s assistant re-enactor, Tony Johnson, who will demonstrate tooth pulling, the use of leeches, bloodletting, and other gruesome medical practises of the time.
Redoubt Fort events’ co-ordinator, Chris Theobald, says, “Harwich’s Napoleonic Redoubt Fort is always a very popular place for visitors with its spectacular views over Harwich Harbour and its wide range of fascinating displays. However, it really comes to life when we have events taking place in this unique setting, so this weekend is going to be incredibly special indeed. All the Harwich Society’s Redoubt Fort volunteers are really looking forward to it.”
For further information please contact
Press Officer, Garry Calver on 01255 551940