Home-Start Harwich works with many local families and now those families are helping prepare two little local ducklings for their move to their new home at Bobbit’s Hole.
Bobbits Hole is the Harwich Society’s nature reserve in Dovercourt and the two Mallard eggs were found abandoned by the lake. Following on from the success of last year by which Home-Start’s Wendy Taylor successfully incubated and reared three ducklings for release back on to Bobbit’s Hole, the eggs were immediately transferred to Wendy’s incubator and successfully hatched resulting in two more little ducklings who will join the mallard family on Bobbit’s Hole’s lake.
Aileen Farnell from the Harwich Society’s Bobbit’s Hole team says, “We are very grateful to Wendy for again incubating and rearing these tiny little ducklings in her home. It is a very delicate and time consuming task requiring great dedication and she has done brilliantly.”
The result is that the ducklings are now accompanying the Home-Start families on their regular visits to Bobbit’s Hole so that they can gradually get used to their new home in an outdoor environment.
Wendy Taylor from Home-Start Harwich says, “It’s incredibly rewarding to watch the journey that these tiny little ducklings go on before they are finally ready to enjoy their new home at Bobbit’s Hole. Everyone connected with Home-Start Harwich loves being part of their progress and they are coming on very well. They certainly bring a smile to everyone’s face.”
For further information please contact
Harwich Society Press Officer, Garry Calver on 01255 551940